Friday, November 16, 2012

John's AFOs

On the 2nd of November, John got casted for his ankle-foot orthotics, or AFOs.  The first time I used that term, Mr. B. looked at me like I had lost my mind, and then I figured out he thought I said "UFO".  Anyway, here is the AFO experience, in pictures:
This first one is just because John thinks pictures of his feet are hilarious.
He was a little apprehensive while the stuff was prepared.   He also repeatedly pointed out all the spilled blobs of plaster.  "Messy!"

This one is where he thinks Mom should put the camera away already.

First step, hosiery.

Next, wrapping his foot and leg with plaster strips.

"Don't I look cute?"  I thought the tubing was for drainage, but then I realized that is so they can cut the casts off after they harden.

While the casts dried, he got to pick out the color and pattern for the plastic part.  A construction equipment theme on a blue background was the winner with no hesitation.
John wasn't too thrilled with the little cutting tool.  The orthotics maker was such a kind man and really worked hard to make John feel at ease throughout the process.

Yesterday we went back to get the finished AFOs. 

He really likes the trucks.

Here he is modeling his orthotics at home for his admiring siblings.  Half of his siblings have announced that they also need some, so I guess the extra attention worked to make him feel special!

You cannot use these without shoes.  Even with shoes, it has taken some time for him to adjust to a whole new way of balancing and walking.