Monday, November 19, 2012

Three Months Ago

In some ways it is hard to believe that it was only three months ago that I met Therese for the first time, in a hotel in Lanzhou.  She had been in our hearts for almost exactly a year, and we had talked and thought and prayed about her for so long, that it almost seemed unreal to finally meet her in person.  It felt like a dream.  I had dreamed several times before leaving for China, about the day I would finally get to hold this little girl.  I was prepared for tears and trauma but in real life the day just glowed with blessing.  I felt almost euphoric.  (Some of it was jet lag, but it really was a very special day.)  Therese came right to me, called me Mama, and was eager to investigate her backpack, and everything else in the room.  Within the first hour she even gave me a kiss.

We had to get her passport picture made, so I had to change her into something cute, tucked her into my Mayawrap, and away we went.  She had this glow on her face and snuggled right in.

From the very beginning, it was obvious that this dehydrated child weighing barely 20 pounds had a sparkling personality that would be impressive in a child twice her size.  She is definitely a spunky girl, and has gained about 9 pounds and grown a couple of inches.  She can be a handful and is the master of a killer stinkeye, but she is also a very lovable and little girl who charms everyone she meets.  We love you, Therese Marie!