Monday, November 12, 2012

A new twist to "That's not fair."

This is a very over-used phrase in our house right now, and one I am heartily tired of.  The funny thing happened tonight at supper.  John has, for some unexplained reason, adding a "t" sound to most words in English, even names--such as his brother, "Joset."  At supper he put his hands on his hips, and said, "That's not fart!!"  I was the only one who laughed.  None of the other kids realized what was funny, and Mr. B. was at his Chesterton Society meeting.  Not that John or any of the other boys would have minded saying it. This is a kid who laughs uproarously when one of his brothers belches at the table.  I have finally trained them to say, "excuse me," after they do, but they compete for the most impressive preface to this polite remark.  Just one of the many joys of being a mommy of boys--but who could resist these little guys?!