Monday, October 29, 2012

Things people say to transracial families

This video will give you an example of what you will experience as a transracial family.  I have personally been told or asked almost every single one of these.  I really hate being compared to Jolie and whoever she is with, although I could sure use a little of the kind of money they make.  We would probably be up to 10 kids in a few more years if we did.  It is amazing the kinds of things people will say, without seeming at all conscious of how rude they are.

Today we went to Children's hospital to see the orthopedist.  As we came out of the elevator with the two newest children and Catherine, an older man said, "did you bring the whole village? Har Har".  I resisted but I REALLY wanted to say that our village was missing an idiot, and he might consider applying.  Yes, I know that isn't the most charitable thought, but he wasn't funny.  We can hope he was embarrassed about it later, once he picks those toenails out of his teeth.