Saturday, January 26, 2013

A rough week after surgery

John did really well his first day home from the hospital, but on Sunday he started throwing up.  He could keep water down but anything else made him turn green immediately.  He also had more trouble with pain, which may be because the surgeon put pain stuff into the incisions, and that had all worn off.  On Monday when he didn't improve Mr. B took him to the ER.  They did a CT and x-ray and the shunt looked great.  They said he probably had a gastrointestinal bug that is going around.  On Tuesday the neurosurgeon called to tell me that his ventricles look even better than they did on Friday.  She thought the nausea could be caused by the fluid draining and said we should try to keep him lying down as much as possible.  We were able to feed him some very bland foods in small quantities, and even though he looked a little ill, he kept it down.  Wednesday was a tough day.  My cold came back with a vengeance so I was feeling miserable and cranky since I had almost been over it.  That was the day that John cried almost all day.  He would get up, his head would hurt, and instead of lying back down he would follow me around the house and cry.  When I say cry, he was like a little cartoon character with his mouth open as wide as it could go, with a continuous wail coming out.  Thursday he was better and was able to eat almost normally.