Saturday, January 26, 2013

A setback in the casting, and the flu

We went to the foot doctor for Therese's new cast on Thursday.  I was worried about her feet because she had scraped her toes up pretty badly playing outside.  The side of her big toe was very red.  When they cut the cast off, there was a bad wound underneath, where the edge of the cast had cut into her skin.  She had broken off the edge, and the broken edge really dug into her foot.  She never complained about it because she doesn't have much feeling below her knees.  The doctor said it was too risky to put new casts on, especially since she doesn't have feeling and could go septic without feeling it.  So unfortunately we will probably lose all we have gained in two weeks of casting.  Her feet don't heal well and it could be several weeks before we can start casting again.

I was miserable on the long drive, because of my cold, but that night I had the most awful chills and fever.  I felt very sick and dizzy.  Mr. B had to go to work on Friday because it was a a unit training and he was teaching a class.  It took every bit of determination I had, to get the kids fed breakfast and dressed.  When I walked around I was so dizzy.  My mom was able to come and stay for a couple of hours and give the kids their lunch.  I don't think I could have done it.  By that night I had a 103.4 fever.  It was a miserable night and Thomas spent a lot of it crying about his ear hurting. 

Mr. B took Thomas to the urgent care in the morning and he has an ear infection.  There was blood in his ear but it didn't look like it had ruptured. The doctor came in and asked Thomas which ear was hurting, expecting him to point, but Thomas just looked at him and said, "it's the left one."  The doctor asked if he could point out his left ear, and Thomas looked at him as if it were totally obvious, and pointed to his left ear.  I didn't even know he knew that.  It was a funny story.  He is like a little old man in a 4-year-old body sometimes.

I went to urgent care next, which was exhausting because I was so tired and I had to sit in the waiting room a long time.  There are a lot of sick people, apparently.  My heart rate was really high, which I guess explains the roaring in my ears when I walk around.  My fever was 103.7  I didn't take any motrin before going in, so they could see the real me, and they were impressed by it.  They brought me 600 millgrams of motrin and a glass of water right there.  I officially have the flu and it may be wanting to also develop bronchitis.  I thought I had pneumonia because it hurts so badly to breathe, but I guess that is just from coughing so much.  I will spare you the details of the colors I have been coughing up.  We have a whole row of medicines lined up.  Hopefully this gets me on my feet soon.  Catherine's hair hasn't been fixed for 3 days, and today she picked out her own clothes--red corduroy jumper, pink shirt, and bright purple jogging pants underneath. The house has gone even farther downhill and the dirty laundry is really piling up.  Plus I am the enema expert and that hasn't been done the past two days.  That could get really yucky. Thomas took his medicine after lunch and slept all afternoon.  He certainly didn't sleep much last night.  Then just now Mr. B found him asleep on the toilet.