Sunday, September 9, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Our long flight from Hong Kong to Chicago was, well, very long.  It went very well considering that we had two 4-year-olds with us.  The main problem was that one of them had gas.  I won't name names, but someone needed some charcoal-lined pants.  I don't know if anyone around us noticed, but maybe the tent I made the kids helped keep the smell contained.  The tent came about because they were showing a very scary sci-fi sort of movie, where aliens were attacking the earth.  Therese didn't seem to notice but John Francis kept looking at the screens in horror.  I put a blanket so he couldn't watch the one in front of us by looking between the seats, so he started looking up and to the side screens.  Finally I thought of making a tent with the blanket, and they both thought it was really fun.  It also worked like a charm to keep him from seeing that movie, or the one with lots of, ahem, intimate scenes it it, that followed.  It was either that or blindfold the poor kid.  I am so glad to be home, but the jet lag really hit me today and I am having trouble even signing into my email.  The kids seem to be immune to it.  Overall the new and old kids are getting along well.  Thomas seems pretty stressed and emotional.  He held it together for three long weeks without Mommy and only cried the one time on Skype, but he has been an emotional wreck ever since I walked out from the plane and bursts randomly into tears.  He wants me in touching distance at all times.  Therese and John Francis are really enjoying exploring the house and trying out our huge toy collection.  They did well at church this morning.  The only one I had to take out was Jose.  We had to leave 3 times because his nose would start gushing blood.  I will try to get the blog updated with pictures as soon as I can think clearly enough to remember how to upload them.