Monday, December 3, 2012

First Road Trip, part 2

The second part of our visit was at my other grandparent's house.  They have a large basement full of interesting things to play with.  It is very amusing to see the kids rummage out something I remember playing with when I was a kid.

Speaking of old things, this interesting vintage kitchen item is what I drained the pasta in:  (Yes, in case you are wondering, I brought an apron from home.  My grandmas don't wear aprons.)

 Therese really enjoyed meeting people and finding new laps to sit on.

Our last stop was to the old fort, a favorite place for Jose.  We thought about skipping it this time but he was so upset we went there for an hour right before the drive home.  It was a good way to exercise everyone before all those hours in the van.

Therese wanted to see everything.  I couldn't let her out of her stroller since the stones are so rough in the guardhouse.  So she insisted on being wheeled into the cell.  I think she is the happiest person in an antique cell that I have ever seen.  

Taking a picture here is now a family tradition.  This is the very comfortable wooden bed where the guard detail could rest while they are on duty.  All six kids are here lined up almost in age order.  I tried to get them lined up but didn't notice until later that John ended up on the end.  Thomas is actually the youngest by 6 months.

Catherine got into the bed-trying mode.

 There are lots of paths to run on, and lots of stairs to go up and down.