Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Saturday--Goodbye, Lanzhou!

August 25th, 2012.
This is the day we left Lanzhou--unfortunately both Mama and Aunt Hannah were not feeling so great, but Shi Wu was her usually perky self at breakfast.  This little girl changed so much in a week.  It is hard to believe how much difference a week can make.
Our group, with our driver and guide.
Leaving our guide was very difficult for Shi Wu.  The guide cried when she said goodbye to Shi Wu and then when we went to the security checkpoint and Shi Wu realized we were leaving the guide, she really lost it.  We drew quite a crowd on the other side of security--two blonde American women with a screaming Chinese toddler.  Everyone wanted to see what was happening.  Luckily a lollipop made things better and we were able to be only a moderate spectacle at the gate.  Besides watching us, the other passengers got to see a boy of about 7 throw up all over the place.  They cleaned up with a broom and dustpan and then squeegied the floor dry.  Someone throwing up was the last thing I wanted to see since I was sitting there feeling very nauseous myself.  Then Shi Wu thought that crawling around would be fun, since we had to wait an hour.  I wasn't about to let her get down on that floor. 

Shi Wu thought it was fun being on the plane, but keep in mind that we hadn't even moved yet when this picture was taken. 
The Lanzhou airport.
We flew off over the hills of Gansu Province.  In some ways it is sad to leave the place your new child was born, knowing that you are taking them from everything that is familiar.  On the other hand, Shi Wu had no future in Lanzhou and unfortunately leaving is the only option for her.
We could see the Yellow River through the clouds.  Downstream is the province where Cheng Cheng is waiting.

Shi Wu hated her seatbelt and it was all we could do to keep her in it for the descent.  She screamed and cried and we couldn't even get her interested in a lollipop.  When we landed in Zhengzhou she was much happier.  We collected our baggage and when we came out of the airport it was like being hit with a wave of heat and humidity.  After arid Gansu, Henan looked extremely lush and green.