Wednesday, November 2, 2011

All Hallows Eve at our house

The kids and Mr. B were handing out candy at our door to trick or treaters, and suddenly I heard the sound of scurrying feet.  The kids who had so happily run to the front door when the doorbell rang were scattering to the far corners of the house.  Catherine came running straight to Mommy, crying and screaming, saying, "There are bad people at our door."  Apparently there were some kids out there in scary costumes.  It was hard for her 3-year-old mind to grasp the idea that the kid with "scary, big teeth" was just a normal kid in a costume.  The most amusing part of the evening was Jose and Fermin's reaction to a kid dressed as a sniper, complete with gilly suit.  They thought that was one of the scariest costumes they saw, and wanted to know what it was.  That explanation led to questions at supper about whether it was bad to be a sniper or not.   Watching Mr. B try to explain Catholic Just War doctrine to two 5-year-olds was priceless!