Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Holy Season of Advent: Preparing our Hearts for His Coming

Today we begin the season of Advent.  It is one of my favorite parts of the liturgical year.  The readings are often from the book of Isaiah, and are filled with expectation.  We know He is coming, and we have this season to prepare our hearts. 

The kids love Advent--like most kids, they love fire, so Advent candles are very exciting!  When I got out the advent wreath yesterday, there was a burst of cheering.  Throughout Advent, we light the appropriate candle(s) and we pray the collect from the liturgy, usually the one from the preceding Sunday.  Then starting on the 17th of December when the "O Antiphons" begin, we add those as well.  We conclude with the Angelus and then the kid's favorite part, when everyone gets to blow out a candle.  Until the 4th week of Advent, we have to re-light candles until everyone gets a turn.  For now, we have 4 kids and 4 candles.