Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Cupcake Mystery

Today I made cupcakes, and I had a helper who licked the spatula and cup that I used to put the batter in the pans.  That way they are nice and clean when they go into the sink:

Hours later, the frosted cupcakes are sitting on the kitchen island.  Mama leaves the kitchen for just a few minutes, and when she comes back, this is what she sees:

Several of the cupcakes had bites taken out of them, with little teeth marks that looked like they were made by a small mammal:

So, Mama went looking for the cuprit.  A suspect was located who had frosting on his nose.

When he was asked if he ate the cupcakes, he confessed immediately, and said, "they were good!"

He did say he was sorry.  Who could resist that face?